Fried Shrimp in Tamarind Sauce
Fried shrimp in tamarind sauce is a really simple dish and can be prepared and cooked in 20 minutes. I love cooking with tamarind, it’s sour and tangy and really gives your dish that Thai, asian taste.
Fried shrimp in tamarind sauce is a really simple dish and can be prepared and cooked in 20 minutes. I love cooking with tamarind, it’s sour and tangy and really gives your dish that Thai, asian taste.
Noodles with pork in gravy or simply Rad Naa as we call this dish in Thai is a Chinese style noodle dish. Rather than the usual Thai way of cooking noodles, this dish is served in a thick gravy style sauce.
As an alternative to the usual dishes I teach at my Thai cooking class in Khao Lak, here is something with a tasty Chinese style.